A young manager gains skills and confidence

As the operations manager for UCook, a meal kit delivery service in South Africa, Abigail Goschen is responsible for supervising more than 40 employees. The start-up’s team is young, requiring significant guidance and motivation from Abigail—who is a fairly young manager herself.

Then she joined a six-month Management Development programme by AMI. “I think what really interested me about the AMI programme was just learning more about managing people,” explains Abigail. She had heard of some of the concepts in the course but hadn’t known how to put them into practice. “Learning it properly and being more aware of it gave me more confidence.”

Through AMI’s signature blended learning approach, which integrates in-person workshops with peer support and online courses, every participating company saw tangible improvements in the performance of their staff. 97% of participants said they applied what they learned at work.

“What I really enjoyed about it was the fact that it was quite a hands-on approach, which I would definitely recommend,” says Abigail.

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