Report your business metrics

Why it’s important

You’ll probably remember, at the start of the Grow Your Business programme, we asked you to track your monthly business metrics, like revenue, costs and profit, and to provide us with these metrics on a regular basis. We do this to help you get in the habit of regularly assessing your business progress. Gathering performance information also allows AMI – and our funders – to understand whether programmes like Grow Your Business are actually having an impact, and to make our programmes even better for you and other entrepreneurs like you.

5 Easy Steps

We’ve made submitting your business performance data in 5 very simple steps that will take you no more than 10 minutes.

Here are the 5 areas:

  1. Entrepreneur & Business Info
  2. Business Details
  3. 2019 Employee Count
  4. 2019 Business Performance
  5. Business Financing