Growth2Go Academy

Uber Eats and AMI have partnered to launch an exciting learning opportunity for Uber Eats restaurant partners. The Growth2Go Academy is focused on delivering growth for Africa's on-demand food businesses & foodpreneurs by empowering teams to overcome barriers and push to achieve business growth goals. The programme is currently offered in South Africa.

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Free Virtual Bootcamp


The ‘Getting Set Up for Growth’  virtual bootcamp is a two-week learning journey, designed to equip you with the necessary business planning and strategy tools that will enable you to begin mapping out and measuring key next steps to meet the demands of a constantly changing business environment. The bootcamp will kick off with a two-hour webinar, where you’ll be introduced to AMI’s innovative learning platform and practical business growth tools.


  • Owns a restaurant that is on Uber Eats, in South Africa
  • Is the Owner, CEO, Managing Director or Founder of the restaurant and will be the main participant in the Bootcamp
  • Can attend virtual sessions and work online, through a smartphone/laptop and a stable internet connection


Businesses that successfully complete this two-week virtual bootcamp will get an opportunity to apply for the AMI 5-month Growth2Go Certified Business Growth Programme.


20 Feb – 14h00 – 16h00pm SAST

Please enter your details below to apply


Growth 2Go Academy Learning Journey:


This programme has changed the way I think about serving customers, and also helped me budget properly in my small business. It has changed my life a lot.

– Driver who uses Uber, Johannesburg

About the African Management Institute (AMI)

AMI enables ambitious businesses across Africa to thrive, through practical tools and training. We equip entrepreneurs with tools to build their business, help companies train their teams and run work readiness programmes for young people starting their careers. AMI’s programmes combine online and mobile tools with in-person workshops and on-the-job practice and support.

AMI has worked with a range of businesses and organisations to support entrepreneurs and managers build and grow their businesses across Africa including Uber, Nestle, Radisson Blu, Mastercard Foundation, USAID, Shell Foundation and Equity Bank. AMI has directly trained over 30,000 people in over 35 countries across Africa.

AMI has 70+ staff with offices and presence in 7 countries; Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, and Uganda.

Our programmes have reached over 35,000 individuals in 39 countries across Africa.